Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Stimulus Success

As the Libs celebrate the passing of their stimulus, I wonder on how we will judge it's success or lack there of. Obama said that step one is the creation of jobs. One of the stated goals of the package is to create or save 3.5 to 4.5 million jobs, which leaves me wondering, how do you measure a saved job?

Does that mean that it was successful as long as 3.5 million people have jobs? I had a job on Monday and I still have a job today. Does that mean my job was saved by the stimulus? If that is the case I would like to thank Obama. Since there is no way to tell how many jobs would have been lost with out the stimulus we will never know how many it saved.

Politicians love loop holes and they left themselves one here they can drive a truck through. A word that probably is glossed over at first glance was probably carefully crafted.

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