Friday, February 6, 2009

Scratch My Back, I Will Give You Power

Jeffery Immelt was appointed to Presidents Obama's new Economic Recovery Advisory Board. Immelt is the CEO of GE. On the surface this probably seems very reasonable, who better to advice on the economy than the CEO of a great American company.

If you take a deeper look it might look like something fishy is going on. Did you know that GE owns NBC? That means buck stops at Immelt for NBC News, including MSNBC. It is no doubt that MSNBC offered nothing but favorable coverage of the President during the campaigns. Some would say, including myself, that they stopped being a news network and it became a non-stop Barack Obama infomerical.

Once again another example of the politics of change. The political elite using their power to give favors to the people who pushed them to the top. I wonder if Keith Olbermann will call Immelt's appointment "Spot On" or if it sent a shiver up Chris Matthew's leg. Just asking.

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