Thursday, February 5, 2009

Daschle and the Political Elite

Tom Daschle, former Senator Minority Leader from South Dakota, recently withdrew his nomination to be the leader of Health and Human Services. His confirmation came into question with the revelation of his failure to pay taxes on the gift of car service. The car service, worth an estimated $120,00, was a gift from Leo Hindery.

While being a tax evader is enough to disqualify him from his nomination to lead the HHS, the part of the story I find more interesting is reported on here by the Politico. It seems that not only did Mr. Hindery provide Sen. Daschle with a car and driver but also a high paying job at his company, InterMedia Partners. How could Daschle ever repay Hindery for such kindness? Well, by pushing for him to be nominated for secretary of commerce or U.S. trade representative of course.

The political elite helping the political elite. The political elite helping the donors who made them the political elite. It is always nice to get a reminder who actually has the ear of our leaders in Washington, just as long as it reminds us to show them who should have their ear.

1 comment:

  1. I think Daschle withdrew, because he was about to get lit up, for things other than his back taxes.
