Monday, February 23, 2009

GOP Leaders

Tomorrow night President Obama will address the nation in front of the joint session of congress. While this isn't technically a State of the Union address, it basically is. Without a doubt the foremost issue that he will address is the economy and how he plans to fix it. It will also give a member of the GOP a chance to give a response.

The honor this time will go to the Governor of the State of Louisiana, Bobby Jindal. Jindal is a rising star in the party and someone, hopefully, that will emerge as a leader for conservatives. He has already challenged Obama by considering not accepting money from the stimulus package. Rush said today on his radio show that Jindal was the closest thing to Ronald Reagan of any elected official.

So set the DVR, grab a snack and settle into your favorite chair. We will see if Obama continues his negativity about the economy and his attacks against opposing view points. We will also see a rising star in the GOP and more importantly a possible emerging leader.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Most Vetted, Ever

We all know that the stimulus bill was fast tracked. Our law makers worked tirelessly for days to get it passed. Obama even broke this five day rule. All so we could get this economy turned around fast.

The bill was passed so quickly that Sen. Frank Lautenberg (D-N.J.) told CNNNew.Com “No, I don’t think anyone will have the chance to [read the entire bill],”. John Boehner said that not one member had read the entire bill. Which makes sense because it was voted on less than 24 hours after the final version was released.

Than we have these quotes from two US Representatives.

On Chris Matthews’ MSNBC show Hardball, Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-FL) just called the stimulus bill “the most transparent piece of legislation in American history.”

With David Schuster on MSNBC, Rep. Chris Van Hollen (D-MD) called the stimulus bill "the most vetted bill in history," and "the most transparent piece of legislation in history."

I can only think of two explanations for those quotes. The first is that our lawmakers never read bills before voting and just do as their party leaders tell them. Plus they have a unusually bad grasp of American history. Second is that they think we are all idiots and will believe anything that they say.

Personally I am not sure which is worse. Could they possibly believe what they are saying? I am not calling them liars, but I am not not calling them liars either.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Stimulus Success

As the Libs celebrate the passing of their stimulus, I wonder on how we will judge it's success or lack there of. Obama said that step one is the creation of jobs. One of the stated goals of the package is to create or save 3.5 to 4.5 million jobs, which leaves me wondering, how do you measure a saved job?

Does that mean that it was successful as long as 3.5 million people have jobs? I had a job on Monday and I still have a job today. Does that mean my job was saved by the stimulus? If that is the case I would like to thank Obama. Since there is no way to tell how many jobs would have been lost with out the stimulus we will never know how many it saved.

Politicians love loop holes and they left themselves one here they can drive a truck through. A word that probably is glossed over at first glance was probably carefully crafted.

Friday, February 6, 2009

Scratch My Back, I Will Give You Power

Jeffery Immelt was appointed to Presidents Obama's new Economic Recovery Advisory Board. Immelt is the CEO of GE. On the surface this probably seems very reasonable, who better to advice on the economy than the CEO of a great American company.

If you take a deeper look it might look like something fishy is going on. Did you know that GE owns NBC? That means buck stops at Immelt for NBC News, including MSNBC. It is no doubt that MSNBC offered nothing but favorable coverage of the President during the campaigns. Some would say, including myself, that they stopped being a news network and it became a non-stop Barack Obama infomerical.

Once again another example of the politics of change. The political elite using their power to give favors to the people who pushed them to the top. I wonder if Keith Olbermann will call Immelt's appointment "Spot On" or if it sent a shiver up Chris Matthew's leg. Just asking.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Al Gore: Kids Don't Listen to Your Parents

Why would a former Vice-President of USA tell children not to listen to their parents? Why for the good of the planet, why else? The day before President Obama was inaugurated, Al Gore spoke at the University of Maryland Presidential Youth Inaugural Conference. He compared parents of today denying Global Warming to the parents of his youth tolerating racism. You can listen to the audio that was provided to the Glenn Beck program by the daughter of a listener, who was at the conference.

Remember the best way to change things is to indoctrinate the youth. The best time to get to people is before they have the life experience to know any better.

Daschle and the Political Elite

Tom Daschle, former Senator Minority Leader from South Dakota, recently withdrew his nomination to be the leader of Health and Human Services. His confirmation came into question with the revelation of his failure to pay taxes on the gift of car service. The car service, worth an estimated $120,00, was a gift from Leo Hindery.

While being a tax evader is enough to disqualify him from his nomination to lead the HHS, the part of the story I find more interesting is reported on here by the Politico. It seems that not only did Mr. Hindery provide Sen. Daschle with a car and driver but also a high paying job at his company, InterMedia Partners. How could Daschle ever repay Hindery for such kindness? Well, by pushing for him to be nominated for secretary of commerce or U.S. trade representative of course.

The political elite helping the political elite. The political elite helping the donors who made them the political elite. It is always nice to get a reminder who actually has the ear of our leaders in Washington, just as long as it reminds us to show them who should have their ear.