Wednesday, November 7, 2012

The Day After

The night was disappointing.  The results weren't what we hoped.  The realizations of the significance were crushing.  It was the kind of night that lingers on for days to come.  It left a hangover that you just can’t shake.

The reality of the situation is that our reality wouldn't have changed either way the night would have ended.  A victory would have just been a start, but the real work would have just begun.  It wouldn't have brought a guarantee of a changing course.  A victory would have given a shot in the arm to the efforts, but the hard work would still remain.

Looking back won’t serve a purpose.  The only things to do are taking stock of the situation and setting a course to move forward.  In the next few posts I will be taking stock.  The setting of the course will be up to you.  You will have to take actions that are right for you and your families.
Grab your bootstraps, pull yourself up and shake of the dust.  The world didn't change because of the events of last night and neither should we.

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