Monday, November 19, 2012


Since the election succession has been in the news.  This is based on a few online petitions posted on a White House web site.  Rest assured that these petitions are not going to lead to anything.  The White House may or may not even comment on them.  It does show that there is a discontentment with the way the Federal government is working, but it will take a lot more than this for succession to be a real issue.  It does raise some question about the relationship of the States and the Federal government.

It is an easy case to make that the Federal government has been growing in power and size since around the 1920s (maybe longer).  The State lose a little power everything the Federal government increases theirs.   The balance of power issue does seem to be reaching somewhat of a tipping point.  If the Federal government continues to grow at some point the States will cease to be a government, but an institution to carrying out the policies of the Federal government at the State level.  Once this happens it will truly be a point of no return.

The States are already dealing with these issues.  They are already forced to enforce and fund policies set by the Federal government.  States will soon reach the point where they will have to raise taxes to fund things passed by the Federal government.  Will we reach a point where the States will resent that this?  Will State leaders get tired of putting their elections up just to satisfy decisions made by their Federal level counterparts?

Today’s political class is first most concerned with getting re-elected.  Raising taxes doesn't play well with most voters.  What recourse do the States have?  They won’t be able to count on the courts.  The courts have long erred on the side of affirming the power grab by the Federal government.  So will States start talking about succession?

More than likely they will push down, like they are being pushed down on.  The States will start putting more controls on the monies they spend.  They don’t have the money to fund the Federal policies and educations for example.  They will claim for the good of the children that the system needs to be reformed.  Restriction and requirements will be put around funds.  Things like tenure will be removed in the name of trimming dead weight, but it will also serve as a way to control costs.  The local school board will be nothing more than a figure head. 

While it is pretty clear the petitions for succession will go next to nowhere.  It is possible the States will push for it as their power and influence is threatened.  It is just a likely that they will push into a new role and find their power in other places.

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