Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Eleven Days

There is no reason to try to present this in a witty or provocative way.  We are already getting a show from Washington.  The numbers speak for themselves.

The federal government spent roughly $3,600 billion dollars in 2011.  It took in about $2,400 billion dollars.  That is a deficit of $1,200 billion. 

The current argument in Washington is if the Bush tax cuts should expire for those making over $250k a year.  The revenue for that would be $70 billion, which is enough money to run the government for about 10 or 11 days.  Let’s give them the benefit of doubt and say eleven days.

Eleven days.  They have drawn a line in the sand and that line is eleven days. 

This fight isn't about the financial health of the nation.  It is show.  It is a ploy to win favor for re-election.  It is a farce that is dividing the country along economic lines. 

Washington, get back to me when you are ready to have real conversations involving real decisions that might actually make a difference.